Well it happens that for my first post to this blog, it will be following a momentous United States presidential election.
There are many reasons why people voted and I wont go into all the various micro reasons. Some genuinely liked either one of the candidates. Many did not feel either candidate was really a representation at all. I mostly fell into the second category. My vote was not necessarily to vote for a candidate but to vote against one candidate in particular.
I've been concerned about the creep of socialism since WWII for the promotion of a global government. This has been covertly going on really since the passage of the Federal Reserve Act and WWI. First with the League of Nations after WWI then the United Nations after WWII. Now we have the EU which is showing signs of failure and cracks, but yet they globalist still push forward. I believe a central global entity run by Political, Ecclesiastic, Banking and Technocratic elite are striving toward some unified global system in which all nations are subordinate. I do not believe the power elite care weather it is in the form of Fascism of or Communism but they seek some sort of dependent subordinate states in the form of socialism. However, I do believe they are preferring the former, Fascism, form of socialism. These with the concern over the oppressive slavery of central banking and the Federal reserve was paramount concern to me in the vote I cast.
Ever since the fall of the Berlin wall the rapid acceleration towards totalitarian global government apparently has been the goal no mater who is in office of the American Presidency. I've seen nations toppled and put under the Central Banking system cartel in the last 15 years. Two I can name is Iraq and Libya.
Of the two candidate running in the 106 election, I saw Hillary Clinton as firmly entrenched into every thing that is wrong with the world. That is why I voted against her.
In the 1980s while her husband Bill Clinton, then governor of Arkansas, the Clintons were neck deep in the Iran / Contra CIA Cocaine smuggling scandal that included Regan, Bush, Oliver North, Barry Seal and Noriega. This team brought tons of cocaine into the United States in cooperation with the Columbia Cartels to find their operations in Nicaragua. This happens is several cities in the United States including Mena, Arkansas which included the Clintons.
See also the following book:
The Clintons also pushed several globalist agendas including disastrous trade plans like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Ross Perot in debates with Then President George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton was exactly right when he mentioned that you'd hear a "Giant Sucking Sound" of jobs going south. He went on to say that those jobs would not return until wages of Americans were parallel with those in Mexico and developing nations.
The next trade deal passed under the Clinton Presidency was General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). This further hobbled manufacturing in the United States. Today 20 years later manufacturing on a large scale is no longer present in these United States. An excellent video I encourage everyone to watch is an interview by Charlie Rose with Sir James Goldsmith on Nov 15, 1994. The Clinton spokes person, Laura Tyson, got everything wrong and Sir James Goldsmith gave and almost prophetic warning of how GATT would play out. Everyone on the halcyon idea of globalism in the 1990s thought everyone like Goldsmith who warned of the dangers of these trade agreements, were crazy. But today we see it was exactly as he predicted.
On the exits of the Clinton Presidency he did one more devastating blow that in my opinion was a devastating blow to the monetary system, and a favor to the bankers, was the repeal of the Glass-Stegall act. This in essence deregulated the stock market and turned it into gambling casino. This in my opinion is one of the biggest contributions to give rise to the crash of 2008.
Then after Clinton we have a the Presidency of George W Bush which gave us 9/11 and rapid Nazi like march of a police state. All the while Clinton and the Bush family had very cozy relations, including Hati. While Bush is not the focus of this post he too was no change but a clear and accelerated march and push toward totalitarian globalism and outright Fascism. In fact his family has ties directly to the Coup to over throw FDR and install a Fascist Government as well as his father, Prescott Bush, being one of the financiers of Hitler well into WWII. The trend of Fascism runs deep in their family.
After Bush we had Barack Obama which so many thought would be some "Change you can count on" but he as well seemed to keep in line with the same globalist agenda but throwing bones to much of his liberal supporters while doing nothing to change much of the policy agenda of the last 20 years. He gave us more globalist trade deals, like the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and another war in Libya and Yemen.
Hillary Clinton has played much of the same role by reportedly attending the Bilderberg meeting in which many thing the globalist elite asked her to step aside and allow Barack Obama to become President in 2008. In concession, she apparently was given a role as Secretary of State and a shot after Obama's term(s). In this role it has been pointed out by Wiki-leaks that she used the famous Chicago style politics of pay to play while she was in that office, taking in millions donated to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for favors and access in Washington DC. One such controversial move was all the while she was blaming Russia for her failed Presidential Campaign leaks was the fact she sold the majority of the US Uranium rights to Russia through a third party Canadian form in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation. There is some evidence the the land in the Bundy standoff in Oregon had something to do with this being at risk of exposing her position. Then we also have her disastrous affair in Benghazi in which she was running guns to rebel forces including ISIS through Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Hillary Clinton is surrounded in the globalist agenda and cozy with banking interest. In fact she once mentioned the the Council on Foreign Relations tells her what to do.
My vote was to stop her and a vote against Oligarchy Globalism. Now Trump has made many promises to "drain the swamp" but even though I cast my ballot in Arizona away from Clinton, I am pessimistic Trump will do little more that slow the pace toward totalitarian globalist rule. Some of the staff and cabinet announcements in the last two days leave me wondering... It remains to be seen if the swamp will be drained the swamp, or was Trump was simply a Trojan Horse of Fascism to gain the White House. To make it as far as he did, he most certainly had the backing of some pretty powerful people. Perhaps a rouge or break away faction of the elite? No one makes it that far without passing the gauntlet of the elite blocking him. Much of it may have to do with him funding his own campaign initially. I may sound pessimistic but I believe it is warranted. But until I see overt signs of corruption, I will remain hopeful.
I also wonder if Trump will even make it to the inauguration, as many on the left are protesting in the streets and even calling for his assassination. It's getting ugly in America and the world. I suspect that if something does not change and change fast, this will be the last election process in these United States.
My advice is to remain hopeful but vigilant and watch for the ugly rise of fascism and be prepared to fight it. We've had this danger before in our history. I believe the elite will make their move as soon as they see an opportunity. So watch for it and be prepared to resist.
Then after Clinton we have a the Presidency of George W Bush which gave us 9/11 and rapid Nazi like march of a police state. All the while Clinton and the Bush family had very cozy relations, including Hati. While Bush is not the focus of this post he too was no change but a clear and accelerated march and push toward totalitarian globalism and outright Fascism. In fact his family has ties directly to the Coup to over throw FDR and install a Fascist Government as well as his father, Prescott Bush, being one of the financiers of Hitler well into WWII. The trend of Fascism runs deep in their family.
After Bush we had Barack Obama which so many thought would be some "Change you can count on" but he as well seemed to keep in line with the same globalist agenda but throwing bones to much of his liberal supporters while doing nothing to change much of the policy agenda of the last 20 years. He gave us more globalist trade deals, like the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and another war in Libya and Yemen.
Hillary Clinton has played much of the same role by reportedly attending the Bilderberg meeting in which many thing the globalist elite asked her to step aside and allow Barack Obama to become President in 2008. In concession, she apparently was given a role as Secretary of State and a shot after Obama's term(s). In this role it has been pointed out by Wiki-leaks that she used the famous Chicago style politics of pay to play while she was in that office, taking in millions donated to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for favors and access in Washington DC. One such controversial move was all the while she was blaming Russia for her failed Presidential Campaign leaks was the fact she sold the majority of the US Uranium rights to Russia through a third party Canadian form in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation. There is some evidence the the land in the Bundy standoff in Oregon had something to do with this being at risk of exposing her position. Then we also have her disastrous affair in Benghazi in which she was running guns to rebel forces including ISIS through Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Hillary Clinton is surrounded in the globalist agenda and cozy with banking interest. In fact she once mentioned the the Council on Foreign Relations tells her what to do.
My vote was to stop her and a vote against Oligarchy Globalism. Now Trump has made many promises to "drain the swamp" but even though I cast my ballot in Arizona away from Clinton, I am pessimistic Trump will do little more that slow the pace toward totalitarian globalist rule. Some of the staff and cabinet announcements in the last two days leave me wondering... It remains to be seen if the swamp will be drained the swamp, or was Trump was simply a Trojan Horse of Fascism to gain the White House. To make it as far as he did, he most certainly had the backing of some pretty powerful people. Perhaps a rouge or break away faction of the elite? No one makes it that far without passing the gauntlet of the elite blocking him. Much of it may have to do with him funding his own campaign initially. I may sound pessimistic but I believe it is warranted. But until I see overt signs of corruption, I will remain hopeful.
I also wonder if Trump will even make it to the inauguration, as many on the left are protesting in the streets and even calling for his assassination. It's getting ugly in America and the world. I suspect that if something does not change and change fast, this will be the last election process in these United States.
My advice is to remain hopeful but vigilant and watch for the ugly rise of fascism and be prepared to fight it. We've had this danger before in our history. I believe the elite will make their move as soon as they see an opportunity. So watch for it and be prepared to resist.